This two-day event is built to deliver new deal-origination opportunities, connect you to new business partners and provide meaningful insights including, including mainstage discussions, innovative presentations, and unique networking opportunities throughout the day, from small-group discussions over shared areas of interest to the meeting hub for impromptu conversations and private meetings.
You are guaranteed to leave with sharpened insights, an extensive network and a clear vision for the upcoming year.
“Proximo once again delivers on its promise to bring top industry takeout information and overall setting to its customer base.”
“Proximo put together another interesting, informative, and fun event in Austin. It was timely to get together and discuss evolution of our industry as we head into 2024.”
“A very important and timely conference given the growth spurred on by the IRA and energy transition. As underwriters of nonpayment risk, we gained valuable insights from all the presentations and panellist discussions. Another very successful conference put on by Proximo. Well done!”
“An exceptional group of leaders in the power and infrastructure world”
“Very worthwhile event. Extremely well run by the proximo folks”