Vikram Dhawan
Vikram Dhawan

EQT Partners

United States

Upgrade to initiate conversation first

Transition & Decarbonization

Astronomer's Guide: Decarbonization

J.B. Oldenburg
Managing Director,
Quantum Capital Group
Vikram Dhawan
EQT Partners
Rakesh Shankar
Partner, NextGen,
Antin Infrastructure Partners
William Zipf
Vice President, Development,
JERA Americas
Jenny Brusgul
Sustainability Advisory Practice Leader,

No longer a conversation for dreamers, energy transition and decarbonization now take center stage for funds and developers alike. But where are the sticking points of getting a decarbonization focused project through development and financing? 

  • How does resiliency impact the viability of clean-energy and other decarbonization projects?

  • The need to update infrastructure to support decarbonization goals

  • Accessing tax credits, federal funding and attracting investors - demystifying the track to financial close