Rakesh Shankar
Rakesh Shankar
Partner, NextGen

Antin Infrastructure Partners

United States

Upgrade to initiate conversation first

Energy Transition & Decarbonization

Astronomer's Guide: Decarbonization

J.B. Oldenburg
Managing Director,
Quantum Capital Group
Vikram Dhawan
EQT Partners
Rakesh Shankar
Partner, NextGen,
Antin Infrastructure Partners
Jenny Brusgul
Sustainability Advisory Practice Leader,

No longer a conversation for dreamers, energy transition and decarbonization now take center stage for funds and developers alike. But where are the sticking points of getting a decarbonization focused project through development and financing? 

  • How does resiliency impact the viability of clean-energy and other decarbonization projects?

  • The need to update infrastructure to support decarbonization goals

  • Accessing tax credits, federal funding and attracting investors - demystifying the track to financial close